Would you be interested in purchasing a residential investment property in a great country town with an outstanding (we’re talking potentially double-digit percentage) rental return?

Thanks to our proven record of proactively getting results and looking after our (Mortlake) clients’ best interests in the process,  we were the first port of call for Tilt Renewables to forge a relationship moving forward when looking to find rental accommodation for the large number of workers who will be coming to town as part of the construction of the Dundonnell Wind Farm, 23 kilometres north-east of Mortlake. (Click here for more details).

The Dundonnell Wind Farm construction phase is proposed to take 2 years and there will likely be other imminent local projects following on from that.  Additionally, and almost in parallel, work will be starting on the Mortlake South Windfarm which will be owned by Acciona. With an existing shortage of rental accommodation at present – opportunities are available from early 2019 (right now), for several years, for exorbitantly high rents to be paid for properties, relative to regular market rental values.

We will be actively seeking rental properties to cater for this demand.  Some property owners may simply keep and lease out their homes, while others will take the opportunity of selling to investors, of which there are sure to be several chasing investment properties rented to wind farm companies and their workers.

If you’d like to find out more about the potential investment opportunities, or if you own a property in the Mortlake area and would like to lease (or sell) it, send an email through to sales@wilsonswarrnambool.com.au to register your interest, or phone us on (03) 55612777.

To browse our current Mortlake listings, click here.